About Me

My Story and Journey
Well, it obviously started with an innate, passionate love and respect for all animals. I was the kid who’d “walk” my stuffed animals along the side walk, come running home crying if someone stepped on a bug, and who boldly stated I wanted to become a Veterinarian in my Schoolbook Treasury Album from age kindergarten and on. This love was combined with having owned and cared for a wide spectrum of pets ranging from cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, and aquariums throughout my life. It was the realization and reckoning that nothing makes me as happy or brings me as much joy as when I’m in their presence.
As a previous Environmental Professional with a BSc in Environmental Sciences, I worked for a large industrial corporation for 21 years where health, safety, security, and environment were of utmost priority.
It is with this background and mindset that I am leaving the proverbial rat race and entering the domestic pet race on a full-time basis. The well-being of my client’s pets will be my number one purpose while assessing risks to keep them safe and secure when owners cannot.
I am committed to continuous growth and learning. It is my mission to become a local leader in the communities of Southwest Edmonton while sharing in the knowledge pool with local pet owners, stores, daycares, groomers and veterinarian hospitals.

My Cats
Before I meet and care for your pet, I’d like to tell you about ours. We speak fluent Felinese in this home. We currently have two 11-year-old, non litter mate rescue cats named Rex and Nalla. Yes, that's them on the home page!
Rex, a grey domestic short haired tabby with faint black spots somewhat like a Northern Pike, showed up a big, ol', loving romantic. Very vocal and gregarious, he instantly commands attention and won’t relent until you have fallen in love with him.
Always the king of his Kitty Castle, Rex waits for play time where he can rambunctiously bat, swat, kick, and acrobatically attack any prey (i.e. cat toys) outside his younger sister’s yearnful watch and reach. With Rex at the morning helm, and a reassured belly as his guide, we have retired all morning alarm clocks and now respond to a stinky litter paw to the face as our wake-up call.
Nalla, a domestic medium hair tabby, with a pristine white bib, bloomers, and belly, is ferociously loyal, but scared, shy, and timid with all newcomers. Only a few have had the privilege of seeing and bonding with this wee one. Time, a soft voice, and brush in hand, will have this Lady administering feverish sessions of puddings like none other.
Nalla too loves play time. Relegated to her own zone of fun where toys lurk amongst tissue, crinkly blankets, boxes, and an occasional empty scotch container filled with a catnip infused mouse, Nalla tries her best to coax you over to come play with her. However, if Nalla had her way, she would elect to stay outside all day under her favorite blue spruce and our watchful eye and safety. Diagnosed with diabetes, and a recipient of insulin twice a day, Nalla has figured out her new, perfect self.
Basically, it’s their house, they just let us live here.
What I do know to be true, once our home found a pet sitter that our cats Rex and Nalla loved, it was a liberating game changer.
In Memory
I cannot launch a pet sitting and walking small business without giving honorable mention to my dearly departed Bongo. Bongo was a grey cockatiel and we were together for 23 years. Bongo saw me through good, bad, and ugly. Big hair, then alternative music, college and university, homes and heartbreak, my Boy was always there whistling his tunes and busting out his dance moves while knocking back our weekly pasta fix together.